AUTHOR: Femvamp
E-MAIL: femvamp000@yahoo.com
DISTRIBUTION: You want it? It's yours. Just tell me where it goes.
DISCLAIMER: Joss Wheadon and many others own the characters of BTVS
and Angel (lucky bastards).
Ok I'm about fifteen minutes away from an interview with none other
then Jay Leno himself and I'm gonna have to lie. Me, Cordelia Chase,
is going to have to tell an outright lie. I never lie. I'm blunt, I
tell the truth no matter how annoying it is. I like being blunt. I
like being bitchy, but now I'm gonna have to lie.
Yeah I bet your saying, tell the truth. Well damn if it isn't so
simple. Let me see. Oh yeah, Mr. Leno, you know that TV show I'm on
"Jenny the Vampire Slayer" well Its based on real life. Uh huh. No
I'm not crazy. Oh you want me to go with those guys in the white
coats. Yeah sure.
Like anyone's gonna believe that vampires are real. That for two
years, before I got my big break, I worked for one. Yup, those guys
in the white coats again. No one's gonna believe that for most of my
life I lived over a Hellmouth. That I've seen things that still give
me nightmares. No one is going to believe that little ol' me can gut
a demon in ten seconds flat. Yup, I'm gonna tell him that.
That's not even the biggest lie I have to tell. He's gonna ask me
about my love life. I just know he is. I'm gonna have to lie about
that too. That hurts the most. You see I love her. I really really
do. It surprised me. Hell it surprised her.
Oh my God. Jay Leno is about to call my name. I have got to be
perfect. I can't let him see me sweat. This won't be so bad. A few
little white lies and then it will be over. I can go home and kiss
her. Go home and well..... You can figure it out. She knows that I'm
not going to tell him about her. She understands. I'm the one who
Here I go. One foot in front of the other. Shake his hand. Smile.
Sit down on the couch. There that wasn't so hard.
"So Cordelia, is there anyone special in your life?"
The moment of truth. Open mouth. Lie. Just one little white lie and
then you can go home.
"Yes. Her name is Willow Rosenburg."
Oh my God. Did I just say that?